Friday, December 19, 2008

Skateboarding is Not a Crime

I spend quite a bit of time looking for places to skateboard, but I never pay attention to the signs. Oh well...

Gigi, Skateboard, and SignGigi, Skateboard, and Sign


Ruby Kube said...

Does the skate board provide the same thrill as the surf board, and I thought you were vegan?

Gigi M. Doyle said...

Hi Ruby! I think I know you from Oxnard?? Skateboarding is fun, but there is nothing like the "thrill" (as you say) of riding in the surf. I love surfing. I just moved to the desert, and I haven't been in the water for a couple of months. I do not eat any red meat; however, I am a big fish eater. fish, love sushi, and really love shell fish (crab, lobster, scallops...)